Nominations for PDA Board of Directors Accepted until May 10
The PDA Nominating Committee is seeking recommendations from members for candidates to fill Board of Director positions for terms beginning in 2022. Nominees must be current PDA members in good standing. Recommendations will be considered and evaluated by the PDA Nominating Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. This year’s committee is chaired by Immediate Past Board of Director’s Chair Rebecca Devine and includes current Board of Director’s Chair Jette Christensen and Board of Director’s Chair- Elect Susan Schniepp.
If you are interested in being considered or want to recommend a colleague, send the recommendation via email ([email protected]) or mail to PDA Global Headquarters, Bethesda Towers, Suite 600, 4350 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA, attention: President. In addition to your recommendation, please include any other supporting information that may make it easier for the Nominating Committee to evaluate your recommendation.
Nominations are due May 10.
If you have any questions or feedback about the nominating process, please feel free to contact PDA President Richard Johnson ([email protected]).