Award Winner (Service Appreciation Award) 2023: Marc Glogovsky, MS

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About Marc Glogovsky, MS

Marc Glogovsky, MS, S.M. (NRCM) has over 20 years' experience in the pharmaceutical industry, specializing in aseptic operations, contamination control strategies, and risk-based environmental monitoring. He has written a number of publications related to rapid microbiology, environmental monitoring, Mycoplasma testing and microbial identification. Currently, he is a Senior Microbiology Consultant with ValSource. Prior to joining ValSource, he was responsible for managing the Environmental Monitoring division at Veltek Associates, Inc., and has spent over 10 years as a senior microbiology specialist at Merck KGaA. Marc earned his B.S. in Biology from Monmouth University and his M.S. in Microbiology from Rutgers University.

Marc is actively involved with the Parenteral Drug Association, where he serves on PDA's Science, ATMP and Education Advisory Boards, is the North American chair of the Microbiology/EM Interest Group, is a faculty member at the PDA Training and Research Institute (TRI) and has contributed to a number of Technical Report committees and is currently co-chairing the Microbial Data Deviation Investigations and the revised Environmental Monitoring (TR #13) Technical Reports.

Marc Glogovsky