Award Winner (PDA Letter Article of the Year Award) 2023: Frederic B. Ayers

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Frederic Ayers

Frederic B. Ayers

ValSource, Inc.

PDA drives the pharmaceutical industry ahead, and being a member allows professional development through a worldwide network founded on robust scientific and technical expertise.  My 15-year affiliation with PDA has been an extraordinary journey, filled with chances to influence industry documents, orchestrate workshops, develop conferences, and lead a local chapter.  It was an honor to serve on the Task Force for Technical Report No. 90, where the creation of a comprehensive Contamination Control Strategy is critical for pharmaceutical production.

About Frederic B. Ayers

Mr. Frederic B. Ayers is a Sterility Assurance expert with over two decades of experience in the bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing sector. His strategic guidance has left a lasting impact on global networks within the industry. As a trained Six Sigma Greenbelt, Fred has consistently demonstrated his ability to build cross-functional teams, even under high-pressure conditions, without compromising the quality of outcomes. His commitment to open and direct collaboration ensures that all team members have the opportunity to express their views and ideas.

With an extensive career in pharmaceutical manufacturing, Fred Ayers currently serves as a Senior Consultant in Microbiology at ValSource, Inc., where he provides consultation services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries.  His expertise lies in Contamination Control, Sterility Assurance, and Microbiology, all of which play a critical role in ensuring the quality and safety of pharmaceutical products.  He has a proven track record of driving projects that directly impact the lives of patients served by the industry.

Frederic B. Ayers