PDA Europe Webinar - Future of Refrigeration: Basics of Refrigeration for Pharma Applications


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Dear Colleagues,

In most steps of pharma production, from starting materials, to process, product, supply chain, and waste management, the need for refrigeration arises.

Due to the fact that energy can only go from warm to cold, refrigeration is no classic utility, therefore, complex processes including equipment, machinery and refrigerants that generate the cold become necessary.

The equipment must be installed and maintained, and most of the refrigerants used today have an impact on the environment. They are therefore subject to stringent regulation and/or safety measures.

This webinar is focused on giving a basic understanding of how refrigeration works and what an operator should know to select the optimal refrigeration solution for their product needs. The goal is to gain a thorough understanding and solid overview of different technologies, including advantages and disadvantages such as being future proof, efficient, reliable, safe, while possessing optimal process control, maintenance parameters, longevity and more.

By completing this webinar, you will also be prepared to know what is needed to meet the current European guidelines and regulations beyond the year 2030.

We look forward to welcoming you!


Discover What's Happening Each Day
Day 1 12 Nov
Thursday, 12 November
Introduction & Current Situation

History of refrigeration

Basics of refrigeration

  • Refrigeration cycle
  • Basic control strategy


Overview of the common refrigerants and technologies

  • Properties
  • Environmental impact – Ozone depletion potential, Global warming potential, Trifluoroacetic acid
  • EU regulations


Interactive Live Q&A and Discussion
Current Needs, New Developments & Technologies

Future technologies up to -40°C

  • Natural refrigerants (CO2, NH3 and HCs) with safety concepts
  • Freon / Hydrofluoroolefin blends


Future technologies below -40°C

  • Air refrigeration
  • Cascade and auto cascade system with natural refrigerants
  • Liquid nitrogen


Interactive Live Q&A and Discussion
Best Practice Examples & Future Outlook

Storage +20 to -196°C (follow-up webinar Pharma Storage Applications available Q1 2021)

Lyophilization (follow-up webinar Deep Temperature Refrigeration for Processes Lyophilization and Plasma-Freezers available Q1 2021)

Interactive Live Q&A and Discussion


Pricing Options

Standard Registration

Member Price


GovernmentMember Only


Health AuthorityMember Only


Early Career ProfessionalMember Only


StudentMember Only


AcademicMember Only




See Qualifying Criteria for Member Types.


WAYS TO REGISTER: 1. Online Registration   2. [email protected]

PDA MEMBERS: Please remember to log in before registering If you come from a Governmental or Health Authority Institution or from an Academic Organization, please contact [email protected] before registering.

If you need to apply for a visa to enter the event country, PDA Europe must be informed of this fact at least 4 weeks before the start of the event.

Sponsor information will be available soon

We're currently finalizing our list of sponsors and will share the details shortly.

Become a Sponsor and/or Exhibitor

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Elevate your brand and maximize your exposure by becoming a sponsor at the PDA Europe Webinar - Future of Refrigeration: Basics of Refrigeration for Pharma Applications! Connect with industry leaders, showcase your products and services, and establish your company as a key player in the field.

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Boost your brand and visibility by becoming an exhibitor at the PDA Europe Webinar - Future of Refrigeration: Basics of Refrigeration for Pharma Applications! Connect with industry influencers, showcase your products and services, and position your company as a key player in the field.

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Christopher Haertig

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