2023 PDA Annex 1 Workshop (Raleigh)

27 Feb - 28 Feb 2023
Raleigh, NC

Become a Sponsor and/or Exhibitor

Back by popular demand, the 2023 PDA Annex 1 Workshop (Raleigh) is designed to educate and help the industry implement the new Annex 1 revision. PDA has been, and continues to be, committed to developing scientifically sound, practical, technical information, and training programs to advance science and regulation for our members and the industry as a whole.

The Workshop will highlight specific sections with critical changes and include interactive sessions to provide attendees with clear understanding of and means to implement the requirements of the new Annex 1, in order to address the regulatory expectations. PDA has developed a standardized approach for workshop topics to ensure consistency in the information delivered to the industry.

This workshop will provide an opportunity for attendees to hear from industry experts and regulators, and open discussions with their peers’ challenges and best practices.


  • Frederic B. Ayers, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company and Workshop Co-Chair
  • Tracy Moore, Director, TM Pharma Group Ltdand Workshop Co-Chair
  • Bianca Bohrer, Managing Director, PSM GmbH
  • Angie L. Bragdon, MS, Senior Principal Scientist - Sterility Assurance Technology, Eli Lilly and Company
  • Richard Denk, Senior Consulting Aseptic Processing & Containment, SKAN AG
  • Irving Ford, MSc, VP of Quality, Adaptimmune
  • Marc Glogovsky, MS, Business Unit Manager/Senior Consultant – Microbiology, Valsource, Inc.
  • Thorsten Haefner, MBA, Vice President of Business Development, PSM GmbH
  • Amanda M. McFarland, MS, Senior Consultant, ValSource, Inc.
  • William Peterson, Associate Director of Engineering, Merck & Co., Inc.
  • Mike J. Sadowski, Lead Scientist, Baxter Healthcare
  • Kim Sobien, MBA, MSAT Contamination Control Lead and GSK Fellow, GSK
  • Oliver P. Stauffer, MBA, CEO, Packaging Technologies & Inspection LLC
  • LT Seneca D. Toms, MS, MSEH, RAC, National Expert, Drugs, ORA, U.S. FDA
  • James Wamsley, Consultant, ValSource, Inc.

At the completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Gain awareness of the requirements and changes in Annex 1 and move towards compliance with the proposed changes in the revision
  2. Develop strategies for implementation and verification of the Annex 1 requirements, respectively, for their organizations
Program Highlights
The 2023 PDA Annex 1 Workshop (Raleigh) is sold out! To be added to the wait list, please email [email protected].


Discover What's Happening Each Day
Day 1 27 Feb Day 2 28 Feb
Monday, 27 February


07:00 – 18:00 | Registration Open

07:00 – 08:00 | Continental Breakfast

08:00 – 09:30 | P1: Overview of and Revision Process for Annex 1
Frederic B. Ayers, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company

Over the past four years, the revised Annex 1 has gone through multiple sets of industry review, comment, and revision. The current version presents a diverse, international perspective on regulatory expectations, recommendations, and requirements for modern sterile drug and biologic product manufacturing. The revised Annex 1 contains a significant amount of new and more detailed content on many topics. It places a heightened emphasis on the use of risk-based assessment and approaches to design and evaluate manufacturing contamination control. This session will provide insights from regulatory authorities involved in the Annex 1 development and review process of the revision, with a focus on the evolution, planning, and implementation of these changes.

08:00 | Welcome Remarks from Workshop Co-Chairs
Frederic B. Ayers, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company
Tracy Moore, Director, TM Pharma Group Ltd

08:20 | Regulatory Perspective
Regulatory Representative Invited

08:40 | Insights from a Former Regulator
Tracy Moore, Director, TM Pharma Group Ltd

09:00 | Q&A

09:30 – 10:00 | Break in Exhibit Area

10:00 – 11:00 | P2: Scope, Principles and Pharmaceutical Quality Systems
Moderator: Frederic B. Ayers, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company

This session opens our in-depth look at the content of the draft Annex 1. The Scope, Principles, and Pharmaceutical Quality System sections introduce the vision of the Annex 1 changes that track through all other sections. Talks will highlight Annex 1 focal points including contamination control strategy, quality risk management, and quality culture, including a discussion on the importance of human factors: knowledge, attitude, and experience. This session will also address the expanded scope of Annex 1 to include some non-steriles.

10:00 | Using Quality Risk Management to Enable the Contamination Control Strategy
Amanda M. McFarland, MS, Senior Consultant, ValSource Inc.

10:20 | Contract Manufacturing Organizations
Thorsten Haefner, MBA, Vice President of Business Development, PSM GmbH

10:40 | Considerations of Annex 1 for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and Low Bioburden Products
Irving Ford, MSc, 
VP of Quality, Adaptimmune

11:00 – 11:45 | Breakout Session 1

Attendees will discuss the implementation challenges, and what can be done to meet those challenges, associated with the topics presented in P1: Overview of and Revision Process for Annex 1 and P2: Scope, Principles, and Pharmaceutical Quality Systems.

11:45 – 13:00 | Lunch

13:00 – 14:00 | P3: Premises and Barrier Systems
Moderator: Angie L. Bragdon, MS, Senior Principal Scientist - Sterility Assurance Technology, Eli Lilly and Company

Aseptic manufacturing facilities come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from traditional aseptic through restricted access barrier systems (RABS) and into Isolators. This session will take a look at some of the key design and operational aspects that have been impacted by the revised Annex 1.

13:00 | Cleanroom Design: Classification, Qualification, Air Visualization
Frederic B. Ayers, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company

13:20 | Cleanroom Operation: Disinfection, Transfer of Materials, Monitoring
Kim Sobien, MBA,
MSAT Contamination Control Lead and GSK Fellow, GSK

13:40 | Barrier Technologies: RABS and Isolators, Glove Integrity, Robotics, Decontamination
Richard Denk, Senior Consulting Aseptic Processing & Containment, SKAN AG

14:00 – 14:45 | Breakout Session 2

Attendees will discuss the implementation challenges, and what can be done to meet those challenges, associated with the topics presented in P3: Premises and Barrier Systems.

14:45 – 15:15 | Break in Exhibit Area

15:15 – 16:15 | P4: Equipment, Technology, and Utilities
Moderator: Richard Denk, Senior Consulting Aseptic Processing & Containment, SKAN AG

This session will discuss the impact of the Annex 1 revision on aseptic manufacturing facilities, specifically focusing on equipment design, indirect product contact parts, such as stopper bowls, and critical utilities, such as water systems.

15:15 | Material Transfer
Tracy Moore, Director, TM Pharma Group Ltd

15:35 | Decontamination and Sterilization of Direct and Indirect Product Contact Surfaces
Richard Denk, 
Senior Consulting Aseptic Processing & Containment, SKAN AG

15:55 | Aseptic Process Simulations
Angie L. Bragdon, MS, Senior Principal Scientist - Sterility Assurance Technology, Eli Lilly and Company

16:15 – 17:00 | Breakout Session 3

Attendees will discuss the implementation challenges, and what can be done to meet those challenges, associated with the topics presented in P4: Equipment, Technology, and Utilities.

17:00 – 17:30 | Day 1 Q&A and Panel Discussion
Moderator: Marc Glogovsky, MS, Business Unit Manager/Senior Consultant – Microbiology, Valsource, Inc.

17:00 | Q&A and Panel Discussion with Day 1 Presenters
Frederic B. Ayers,
Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company
Angie L. Bragdon, MS, Senior Principal Scientist - Sterility Assurance Technology, Eli Lilly and Company
Richard Denk,
Senior Consulting Aseptic Processing & Containment, SKAN AG
Irving Ford, MSc, VP of Quality, Adaptimmune
Thorsten Haefner, MBA, Vice President of Business Development, PSM GmbH
Amanda M. McFarland MS, Senior Consultant, ValSource Inc.
Tracy Moore, Director, TM Pharma Group Ltd
Kim Sobien, MBA, MSAT Contamination Control Lead and GSK Fellow, GSK
LT Seneca D. Toms, MS, MSEH, RAC, National Expert, Drugs, OMPTO, ORA, U.S. FDA

17:30 – 18:30 | Networking Reception in Exhibit Area

Tuesday, 28 February


07:00 – 17:00 | Registration Open

07:00 – 08:00 | Continental Breakfast

08:00 – 09:00 | P5: Personnel Training, Qualification, Gowning, and Monitoring/Assessment
Moderator: Marc Glogovsky, MS, Business Unit Manager/Senior Consultant – Microbiology, ValSource, Inc.

Training and qualifying operators are of critical importance to ensuring proper aseptic technique and cleanroom behavior. Routine monitoring of personnel ensures that the qualified personnel are following the established procedures and that they can meet the strict gowning cleanliness requirements during normal operations. Trending and analysis of gloves and gown environmental monitoring (EM) data can provide critical feedback on individual operator performance, potential routes of contamination, specific gowning procedures, and overall training efficacy.

08:00 | Day 1 Report Out
Tracy Moore, Director, TM Pharma Group Ltd

08:20 | Qualification and Training
Angie L. Bragdon, MS, Senior Principal Scientist - Sterility Assurance Technology, Eli Lilly and Company

08:40 | Gowning, Personnel Monitoring, and Beyond
Frederic B. Ayers, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company

09:00 – 09:45 | Breakout Session 4

Attendees will discuss the implementation challenges, and what can be done to meet those challenges, associated with the topics presented in P5: Personnel Training, Qualification, Gowning, and Monitoring/Assessment.

09:45 – 10:15 | Break in Exhibit Area

10:15 – 11:00 | P6: Production Technologies, Part 1
Moderator: Amanda M. McFarland, MS, Senior Consultant, ValSource, Inc.

This session will focus on the Annex 1 requirements for aseptic processing and filtration of sterile products. The aseptic processing discussion will address the types of operations and grades needed for aseptic preparation and processing operations. The filtration and sterilization presentation will provide insight into the different types of sterilization and the parameters needed to demonstrate success.

10:15 | Aseptic Processing
Frederic B. Ayers, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company

10:35 | Filtration and Pre-Use Post Sterilization Integrity Testing
William Peterson, Associate Director of Engineering, Merck & Co., Inc.

11:00 – 11:45 | Breakout Session 5

Attendees will discuss the implementation challenges, and what can be done to meet those challenges, associated with the topics presented in P6: Production Technologies, Part 1 (Aseptic Processing and Filtration and Pre-Use Post Sterilization Integrity Testing).

11:45 – 13:00 | Lunch

13:00 – 13:40 | P7: Production Technologies, Part 2
Moderator: Tracy Moore, Director, TM Pharma Group Ltd

This session will introduce some of the more intriguing topics covered and expanded in the revised Annex 1, which were selected based on input from the sterile product manufacturing community, as noted during prior meetings and discussions.

13:00 | Container Closure Integrity Testing and Finishing
Oliver P. Stauffer, MBA, CEO, Packaging Technologies & Inspection LLC

13:20 | Production and Specific Technologies (Blow-Fill-Seal, Lyophilization, Single Use System, and Terminal Sterilization)
Mike J. Sadowski,
Lead Scientist, Baxter Healthcare

13:40 – 14:30 | Breakout Session 6

Attendees will discuss the implementation challenges, and what can be done to meet those challenges, associated with the topics presented in P7: Production Technologies, Part 2 (Container Closure Integrity Testing and Finishing and Production and Specific Technologies (Blow-Fill-Seal, Lyophilization, Single Use System, and Terminal Sterilization).

14:30 – 15:00 | Break in Exhibit Area

15:00 – 16:30 | P8: Aseptic Process Simulation and Environmental Monitoring
Moderator: Amanda M. McFarland, MS, Senior Consultant, ValSource, Inc.

Aseptic process simulation (APS) has been identified as one of the key aspects of aseptic process control and monitoring. This session will review the related changes and begin discussing the interpretation and implementation of these recommendations and requirements. The presentations will focus on the Annex 1 requirements for APS (media fills) and environmental and process monitoring, including the new requirements and considerations for qualifying and operating a clean area and the extensive new requirements needed to successfully validate an aseptic process.

15:00 | Environmental and Process Monitoring
Marc Glogovsky, MS,
Business Unit Manager/Senior Consultant – Microbiology, ValSource, Inc.

15:20 | Contamination Control Strategy Development
James Wamsley, Consultant, ValSource, Inc.

15:40 | Day 2 Report Out, Q&A, and Panel Discussion
Frederic B. Ayers,
Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company
Angie L. Bragdon, MS, Senior Principal Scientist - Sterility Assurance Technology, Eli Lilly and Company
Marc Glogovsky, MS, Business Unit Manager/Senior Consultant – Microbiology, Valsource, Inc.
William Peterson,
Associate Director of Engineering, Merck & Co., Inc.
Mike J. Sadowski, Lead Scientist, Baxter Healthcare
Oliver P. Stauffer, MBA,
CEO, Packaging Technologies & Inspection LLC
LT Seneca D. Toms, MS, MSEH, RAC, National Expert, Drugs, ORA, U.S. FDA
James Wamsley, Consultant, ValSource, Inc.

16:25 | Closing Remarks from Workshop Co-Chairs
Frederic B. Ayers, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Company
Tracy Moore, Director, TM Pharma Group Ltd

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Location and Travel

Venue Details and Accommodations

PLEASE READ  PDA is not affiliated or contracted with any outside hotel contracting company. If someone other than PDA or the PDA chosen hotel contacts you suggesting that they represent any PDA event, they do not. It is PDA's recommendation that you book your hotel directly through the official PDA chosen hotel that is listed on our web site.

The Workshop will take place at the Raleigh Convention Center (500 S Salisbury Street). PDA does not have a block of hotel room, but recommends these nearby hotels:

  • Raleigh Marriott City Center
  • Residence Inn Raleigh Downtown
  • Sheraton Raleigh
  • How to Get Here
    By Air Raleigh-Durham International Airport is approximately 20 minutes northwest of the RCC. Ground transportation to and from the airport is provided by the Raleigh-Durham International Airport Taxi Service, GoTriangle, and local limousine and shuttle companies. Many hotels also offer shuttle service to and from the airport.
    By Car The Raleigh Convention Center is adjacent to the Red Hat Amphitheater and is located at 500 South Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27601. From Points West: I-40 east to exit 298B South Saunders Street. From Points East: 64/264 to I-440 east; merge onto I-40 west and exit at 298B South Saunders Street. From Points South: US-1 north to I-40 east; exit at 298B South Saunders Street. From Points North: US-1 South into the city - left on Lenoir Street.


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    See Qualifying Criteria for Member Types.

    GROUP REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: Register 3 people from the same organization as a group (at the same time) for the event and receive the 4th registration free. Other discounts cannot be applied.

    GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: PDA will send you a confirmation letter within one week of payment being received. You must have this confirmation letter to be considered enrolled in a PDA event. If you have submitted a purchase order or requested an invoice, please be advised that a credit card guarantee is needed. PDA reserves the right to modify the material or speakers/trainers without notice or to cancel an event. If an event is cancelled, registrants will be notified by PDA immediately and will receive a credit (registration fee paid). PDA will not be responsible for any costs incurred by registrants due to cancellation. Please note that the attendee list is shared with attendees, trainers, and exhibitors and may be used to follow up on specific areas of interest after the event. Video, photo, and audio recordings are prohibited at all PDA events.

    CANCELLATION: If a cancellation request is received 30 days before the event, a credit (registration fee paid minus a 200.00 USD/EUR processing fee) will be given. No credits will be given for cancellation requests received less than 30 days before the event. Cancellation requests must be emailed to [email protected].

    Sponsor information will be available soon

    We're currently finalizing our list of sponsors and will share the details shortly.

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    Program Inquiries
    Tel: +1 (301) 656-5900

    Exhibition/Sponsorship Inquiries
    David Hall
    Tel: +1 (240) 688-4405

    Training Course Inquiries
    David Hall
    Tel: +1 (301) 656-5900

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    Tel: +1 (301) 656-5900