Vinicius Tarantino GxP-CC
Vinicius Tarantino GxP-CC
Vinicius Tarantino is the head of Digital Compliance and Protection at GxP-CC, focusing on the Life Science value chain. He aims to provide compliance and security solutions that enable Life Science companies to embrace advanced technologies, overcome compliance challenges and implement robust security measures to protect against cyberattacks.
Before joining GxP-CC in Germany, he contributed to different sectors in the field of Cybersecurity by developing security strategies and dealing with complex projects, overseeing the requirements of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Vinicius is a passionate compliance and security professional with two decades of experience in the Life Science sector. He is a member of ISACA Germany Chapter Governance Risk and Compliance in Digital Health and ISPE GAMP Special Interest Group (SIG) for Software Automation and Artificial Intelligence (SA&AI).
Vinicius has led digital compliance workshops on Cybersecurity, Cloud Compliance, and Agile Development Scenarios.