Thomas Pizzuto Johnson & Johnson
Thomas Pizzuto Johnson & Johnson
Thomas has over 17 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Currently, he is responsible for End-To-End Traceability at Johnson and Johnson, where he is teaming with colleagues to deploy product serialization and traceability as an enterprise solution to improve patient safety and supply chain security. Prior to joining J&J, Thomas was VP of Client Services with a leading electronic pedigree provider and Director of RFID Technology and Strategies at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.
Thomas currently represents J&J as a member of the Pharmaceutical Distribution Security Alliance, a multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary initiative that spans the entire U.S. pharmaceutical distribution system. He has also served as the co-chair of the Item Level Tagging Joint Requirements Group for EPCglobal and was a member of EPCglobal Healthcare Life Sciences Business Action Group; he was Steering Committee Chairman of HDMA's "RX Safe Track"; and was the Technology Team Lead for PhRMA's Secure Supply Chain initiative.
Prior to Wyeth, Thomas held management positions at several companies including General Electric and Andersen Consulting. Thomas holds a BA from Williams College; an MBA from Fordham University; and an MS from Temple University, School Of Pharmacy.