Ronald F. Tetzlaff, PhD PAREXEL International

Ronald F. Tetzlaff, PhD PAREXEL International
Dr. Tetzlaff is currently Corporate Vice President, PAREXEL International LLC. His 50+ years of experience includes 27 years as an Investigator with the FDA, and during the past 25 years with PAREXEL he has provided GMP compliance and quality system services to companies located throughout the world. He received B.A. in Zoology from the University of Washington, Seattle and M.S. and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Pharmaceutics from the University of Georgia, Athens. Dr. Tetzlaff is a member of PDA and FDLI, and is active in industry programs on quality management, GMP compliance, and data integrity related issues, having made more than 300 presentations at various national/international industry symposia and FDA training programs, and he has published more than two dozen articles and several chapters in textbooks. He is currently a steering committee member of PDA Task Force on Data Integrity, and for past 20+ years has served a member of the Conference Advisory Committee for the UGA International GMP Conference.