Peter C. Zimmermann Institutsleiter, iskom-Institut
Peter C. Zimmermann Institutsleiter, iskom-Institut
Dipl.-Psych. Peter C. Zimmermann is supervisor BDP and spezialised in Work- and Organisational Psychology. He has more than 20 years of experience in consultancy. As a specialist for social competence and team development he joined a medium consultant group for several years. Since 1998 Peter Zimmermann is member of the executive board of iskom - Institut für Schulung, Kommunikation, Organisations- und Managementberatung. The iskom-Institute has been in operation as a network with modern, highly flexible structures for more than eighteen years. Main fields of activity are corporate strategy, corporate culture, management systems, crisis and emergency management and training. iskom has established several special trainings like auditor training, training of quality improvement teams and crisis and media training. Peter is responsible for assisting companies in analyzing their training requirements, developing training programmes and holding seminars especially in the field of social competence. These trainings include communication and conversational skills, rhetoric and presentation techniques, argumentation and negotiations and leadership and motivation. During the last years he has trained more than 1.500 auditors.