Mikkel Mohr Madsen NNE

Mikkel Mohr Madsen NNE
Mikkel Mohr Madsen is Junior Engineer at NNE in Denmark, employed since 2015.
Mikkel works as process engineer within biopharmaceuticals dealing with revamp-projects and process optimisation. Graduated from the Technical University of Denmark (MSc. Eng. Biotechnology) in 2015, Mikkel has recent knowledge from the academia. During his studies Mikkel carried out a mapping of the current trends within personalised medicine for NNE in 2013 and has since that been following the field closely. The report has been acting as a basis for NNE’s continuous development within personalised medicine. As part of this focus on personalised medicine Mikkel spoke at the PDA ATMP conference in June 2016 in Berlin together with Henriette Schubert, Global Technology Partner, NNE.
Finally, Mikkel carried out his thesis at NNE focusing on biocontainment and design of animal research facilities. Due to the focus of the thesis Mikkel is now consulting on bio-containment related process equipment (autoclaves, etc.) at NNE.