Marisa Delbo NA

Marisa Delbo NA Consultant
Marisa Delbò is a pharmacist, graduated summa cum laude and specialized in “Chemistry and Technology of natural organic substances”.
After about 5 years of experience in private and public pharmacies, she carried out full time activity of study and research at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome.
In 1995 she started working at the Ministry of Health as an assessor and a GMP inspector and continued her activity as a senior GMP inspector at the Italian Medicines Agency, AIFA, when the Agency was established in 2004. She was Head of various AIFA Offices: Product Quality Office, GMP inspectorate, Risk Management Office and GMP Inspections and Manufacturing Authorizations of APIs Office.
She was a member of several national and international committees and working groups, assessor of the certification of suitability of the European Pharmacopoeia, Italian representative in the PIC/S Committee and Deputy-chair in the PIC/S Subcommittee on Harmonization and in the PIC/S Subcommitteee on Expert Circles, Vice-Chair and then Chair of the EMA Committee for Herbal Medicinal Products and Vice-Chair of the EMA Working Party on Community Monographs and Community List.
Marisa Delbò was Rapporteur for several European guidance documents, HMPC Rapporteur of the revision of annex 7 of the EU GMP, Rapporteur and peer-reviewer for many EU herbal monographs. She published 5 articles on international peer-reviewed journals and provided several contributions to congresses and national publications.
After her retirement on 2021 April the 1st she continued to cooperate with AIFA and to be the Chair of the PIC/S Expert Circle on Human Blood, Tissues & Cells and ATMPs and the de facto Member of the PIC/S Sub- Committee on Expert Circles.
She is currently a teacher in Seminars, Masters and training courses on GMP inspections and has a contract as an external senior GMP inspector with the Maltese Medicines Agency..