Kakolie G. Banerjee, PhD MilliporeSigma
Kakolie G. Banerjee, PhD MilliporeSigma
Kakolie Banerjee is a Senior Scientist in the Virology and Microbiological Sciences department at Millipore Sigma. She has been part of the company for over three years as a Virologist in Process Solutions business, supporting BioProcessing efforts. Her work includes viral inactivation and clearance studies using model mammalian viruses and bacteriophage. Prior to that, she worked as a Staff Scientist at Sample6 (now known as Corvium Inc.), and helped developed an AOAC-Certified phage-based method to detect foodborne pathogens. Kakolie did her PhD in Food Science from Pennsylvania State University, studying mechanisms of Shiga-toxin expression in E. coli O157:H7. Prior to that she got her bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences from the University of Delhi, and an MS in Food Safety from North Dakota State University investigating the molecular based detection of Fusarium spp.