Jackie Veivia-Panter BioCentriq

Jackie Veivia-Panter BioCentriq
Jackie has many years of experience within pharmaceutical quality across the product life cycle. Her experience includes site head quality, R&D quality lead and corporate/divisional quality roles within quality systems. She has worked at large and small pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, Abbott/Abbvie and Celgene. She led the global Data Integrity team at Celgene developing and implementing DI policies, procedures and training. Her current role is with Legend Biotech leading Global Quality Systems and Compliance. In addition, Jackie is the Chair of the Regulatory Affairs and Quality Advisory Board (RAQAB) at PDA and leads the Data Integrity Interest Group. She was also involved in the Data Integrity Q&A document on inspections and is currently involved in the Technical Report for Data Integrity in Quality Management Systems.