Ingrid Prins-de Nijs Prothya Biosolutions B.V.

Ingrid Prins-de Nijs Prothya Biosolutions B.V.
In 1989 Ingrid started her career at CLB (Central Laboratory of the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service), the former name of Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation. Currently, she is employed at Prothya Biosolutions B.V. formed in 2021, when Plasma Industries Belgium (PIBe), with roots in the Belgian Red Cross, integrated with Sanquin Plasma Products (SPP), a former subsidiary of the Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation. As a laboratory technician in the Process and Product Development Department Ingrid was involved in the development of plasma-derived medicinal products such as Cofact (a Prothrombin Complex Concentrate product), Nanogam (an IVIG product), and Quins (IMIG products with a high titer of specific antibodies).
Since 2007, as product development project leader and purification specialist, she has been involved in the development and validation of virus removal/inactivation steps for Sanquin (currently Prothya) products and the implementation of these steps in the manufacturing facility.