Huiling Loo, MSc, BSc Roche Singapore Technical Operations

Huiling Loo, MSc, BSc Roche Singapore Technical Operations
Ms Huiling Loo is the Head of Quality Systems and Validation and the ad-interim Head of Compliance at Roche Singapore Technical Operations. She maintains full strategic responsibilities for the Quality Systems, Validation and Compliance organizations. Quipped with academic learning in Chemistry (BSc (Hons)) and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology (MSc), and a diverse background in Manufacturing, Engineering and Quality, she is passionate about delivering more patient benefits at lower cost through innovation. In a world riddled with complexity, she has the background and experience in connecting the dots across multiple disciplines and skillsets. In her 12 years with Roche, she has led multiple projects including Technology Transfers, Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS) business process simplification and Inspection readiness. She is an active and visible change agent, constantly promoting flexible and open mindsets to new opportunities. She believes in challenging status quo, solving new problems with new ways and co-creating solutions with our customers.