Hervé Soukiassian BD
Hervé Soukiassian BD
Hervé Soukiassian joined BD-Pharmaceutical Systems business 15 years ago and is currently the leader for Product Development pertaining to Prefillables Syringes for Chronic therapeutic segment. He has also contributed actively within the PDA – co-author of the TR85 “Enhanced Test Methods for Visible Particle Detection and Enumeration on Elastomeric Closures and Glass Containers” and the TR 73 “Prefilled Syringe User Requirements for Biotechnology Applications”.
Prior to joining BD, Herve worked for 13 years at Hewlett Packard in various positions gaining experience and developing expertise in the field of process engineering and product development. He later joined the board of Directors of ActiCM, a start-up company associated with the “Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique (CEA)” and specialized in optical Coordinate Measurement Machines.
Herve graduated from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées of Lyon as a mechanical and industrial engineer with a master’s degree in material sciences.