Douglas A. Campbell InterPro QRA

Douglas A. Campbell InterPro QRA
I am currently a Senior Consultant with InterPro QRA, providing technical services and CGMP guidance to the pharmaceutical industry. In 2012, I completed 14 years of service with the USFDA as a Senior Policy Advisor and Compliance Officer in the International Compliance Branch at CDER Office of Compliance. I also served as the Drug Specialist and a Consumer Safety Officer in the Baltimore District. I was a member of the International Inspection Cadre since 2001, and I have conducted inspections and audits of pharmaceutical manufacturers throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
I graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University with a B.S. in Science of Food, Nutrition, and Exercise (Pre-Med). I served three years on Active Duty in the U.S. Army.