David Magargee Sensitech Inc.

David Magargee Sensitech Inc.
David Magargee is currently a Senior Project Manager in Sensitech’s Professional Services Life Science team. He has over six years of experience performing Shipping Studies, Facility Thermal Mappings, Container Thermal Mappings, and Validation work. He currently manages the Life Sciences Project Team, responsible for all projects executed in the US, Canada, the Caribbean and other locations. The project team manages domestic and global projects focused on applying Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) and Quality by Design (QbD) methodologies to temperature-sensitive supply chains for many of the world’s largest life science companies. David has been closely involved in the development of Sensitech’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for conducting projects and analyzing temperature and humidity data. Additionally, he is co-author of a patent for creating risk-controlled ambient thermal profiles.