Christopher J. Smalley, MBA, MS, PhD ValSource Inc.

Christopher J. Smalley, MBA, MS, PhD ValSource Inc.
Chris Smalley has retired from Merck, where he had responsibility for innovative implementation and validation, including Single Use Systems and Isolators globally. He now is a consultant for Valsource, focused primarily on Compounding Pharmacies. Previously, he had been Director of Quality Operations for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for 12 years with responsibility for setting validation standards and validation activities globally. His research experience includes responsibility for Quality in the U.S. operations of the Sanofi Research Division, and earlier he had worked for the Johnson & Johnson family of companies, where he was a Plant Manager.
Chris retired after 21 years of service as a LtCol in the USAF. Chris practiced as a compounding pharmacist across the military hospital system, compounding intravenous solutions and total parenteral nutrition products. Chris is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. His graduate education includes a MBA from TU Fox School of Business, a Masters of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from TU School of Pharmacy, and a PhD in Healthcare Administration from LaSalle University.
Chris has been a member of the PDA Board of Directors, the PDA Science Advisory Board, and is a member of the ISPE Disposables CoP Steering Committee and the Pharmaceutical Engineering Committee.