Barry Starkman DPS Engineering

Barry Starkman DPS Engineering
Barry Starkman has amassed over 30 years of experience in biopharmaceutical facility design and operation and has held engineering and manufacturing leadership roles for global biopharmaceutical companies with responsibility for design, construction, and start-up of major facilities. As a subject matter expert, Barry has lent his unique insights into the design and implementation of robust facilities and business processes leading multi-million dollar efforts worldwide for life sciences firms including Merck, Genentech abd Promega. He has built a strong reputation for leading capital expansion strategy for all significant projects for these companies, and further, brings significant expertise into the strategic master planning, benchmarking, and early project feasibility and concept phases in the sterile manufacturing sector. Barry has also led the design, construction, validation and license for the world's first high-speed isolator vial filling and formulation facilities, where he continued as director of operations. He then became head of the project to build and startup Genentech's state of the art fill finish facility eventually becoming General Manager.
Highly sought for his expertise, Barry has been an instructor/speaker for ISPE on aseptic manufacturing technologies, presented numerous papers at AIHA conferences on various industrial hygiene topics including potent compound handling and also co-authored several articles for pharmaceutical industry journals. He also served as a lecturer and member of the academic advisory board at Portland Community College in the biosciences program.
Barry has been an active member of ISPE since 1996 as well as numerous other industry organizations. He holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Engineering from Drexel University, Penn., and a Bachelor of Arts in Geology from Lafayette College, Penn.