Aurélien Genet GSK Vaccines

Aurélien Genet GSK Vaccines
Aurélien studied Optic & Industrial Vision at Télécom Saint-Etienne (Engineering). During these 3 years, he was in an apprenticeship in a pharmaceutical company at Lilly Fegersheim (France) where Aurélien was a production engineer in Filling & Packaging (qualifying and validating AVI / labeling machines). In 2012, Aurélien was a consultant at Abylsen to work at GSK Vaccines (Belgium). He was a vision engineer in global engineering to create/optimize vision recipes on AVI machines in all GSK production sites. After 1 year, GSK hired Aurélien and he continued this activity for 3 years.
In 2016, Aurélien integrated Manufacturing Science and Technology (MSAT) at GSK Vaccines. He enhanced his knowledge in vision technology (SAVI & MVI) and also in leak testing for specific formats (lyophilized products and tubes). Now he supports manufacturing sites (US, Europe) in implementing new regulations, technology developments, and performance improvements on Visual Inspection, Leak Detection, and Robotics.