Angela Bazigos Touchstone Technologies Inc.

Angela Bazigos Touchstone Technologies Inc.
Ms. Angela Bazigos is the CEO of Touchstone Technologies Inc. She has degrees in Microbiology and Computing and 40 years of experience in Drugs, Biologics, Medical Devices, Healthcare & Food sciences. Her expertise combines GxP regulations in Quality Assurance, Regulatory Compliance, Clinical Trial Science, Auditing, Information Technology, Project Management, Clinical Lab Science, Microbiology, Food Safety & Turnarounds. Past employers/clients include Royal Berkshire Hospital, Roche, Novartis, Genentech, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Veracyte and other Medical Device Companies, Stanford Hospital & Baylor College of Medicine. She consults with pharma, biotech, medical device, and food companies, thereby provides due diligence for investors. Past Positions include Chief Compliance Officer, Director of QA, and MIS Director. She also co-authored & prototyped 21 CFR 11 guidance with FDA and commented on GAMP5 and FDA guidance documents. Co-authored Computerized Systems in Clinical Research w/ FDA & DIA Patent on speeding up software compliance. Quoted in Wall Street Journal for using training to bring regulatory compliance to the Boardroom includes training for the Society of Quality Assurance. Comments / collaborates with FDA on new guidance documents. Adjunct Professor at UC Berkeley. Vice President of Pacific Regional Chapter of Society of Quality Assurance. Stanford’s Who’s Who for Life Sciences.