Alireza Khadem, PhD WHO

Alireza Khadem, PhD WHO
Dr Alireza Khadem graduated from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science (Tehran, Iran) and CIGB (Havana, Cuba) in the field of Pharmaceutical Science, Biotechnology and Quality Management. He has developed his experience and skills in the field of production, quality control, quality assurance and regulatory affairs of Biopharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and vaccines since 1997 when he started his career at Pasteur institute of Iran.
During his career at the Pasteur Institute, he performed numerous missions for the World Health Organization (WHO) and participated in many WHO NRA assessments and GMP inspection workshops, mostly in countries in South-East Asia and the Western Pacific.
In 2008, he joined the World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO) within the Immunization and Vaccines Department. In 2010, he joined the WHO Regulatory System Strengthening Program in WHO Head Quarters.
Dr. Khadem has been involved in developing WHO guidelines, policy and methodology as well as benchmarking tools for regulatory systems as well as organizing and conducting numerous NRA assessments and observed audits in Members States. In addition, in recent years, he initiated or contributed to several initiatives including development of WHO Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) guideline, Coalition of Interested Partners (CIP) framework, prioritization model for RSS interventions and development of WHO Global Benchmarking Tools.