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PDA Capital Area Chapter

Chapter's Region:

Washington, DC / Maryland / Virginia (Northern) / West Virginia

Welcome to the PDA Capital Area chapter website. Here you will find information regarding all chapter activities. We encourage you to stay connected to your local industry community by participating in an upcoming chapter event or forum discussion. Chapter Leaders welcome your questions/comments and look forward to hearing from you.


PDA Capital Area Chapter welcomes sponsors to participate in upcoming events. We thank all the sponsors who have supported PDA Capital Area events in the past.

Please send all sponsorship inquires to Martin Jenkins, Chapter President.


2024 Event Calendar


2024 Sponsorship Opportunities Book Your Sponsorship Today

About Us

The PDA Capital Area Chapter has its origins dating back to the fall of 1992. It all started with a phone to PDA President Edmund Fry from Rande Leibowitz, who had just moved to Maryland from New England, where he was active in the New England Chapter. When he was informed that no local PDA chapter existed, he asked the simple question, "why not?" Soon Rande found himself with a list of local PDA members and a mission: form the chapter.

Rande got together with a core group of dedicated volunteers and started work on the chapter's first activity: a questionnaire to gauge local interest. Soon we organized our first meeting. In the spring of 1994, Rande Leibowitz was elected first Chapter President, along with Bill Stoedter, Kelly Langan and Sylvia Issacson as President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.

We have been holding three to four meetings a year, consisting of both conventional dinner meetings and site tours of local facilities. We have heard excellent presentations by various speakers including our very first meeting in 1993, where Mike Beatrice (then at FDA) spoke about multi-use facilities and changes in FDA.

There are many people and companies to thank for the success of the Capital Area Chapter. Without them, we wouldn't be able to serve the Washington, D.C. Metro area PDA members with fine local programs and events. Thanks to all and keep up your support!

Members At Large

  • Dina El-Emary, MEng., MBA
  • Krystian Gonzalez-Vasques, CQV Engineer II, Integrated Project Services, LLC
  • Ben Bhattarai, Medical Assistant/Coordinator, Bowie Town Behavioural Services
  • Stephanie Brandford, Validation Consultant, Brayearst Validation Consulting
  • Janie Miller, Director, External Affairs, Amgen


Past Presidents

  • Tita Tavares, Immediate Past President and Chapter Advisor
  • Allen L. Burgenson, 2005 - 2009
  • Barry A. Friedman, Ph.D. 2004 - 2005
  • Robert J. Mello, Ph.D. 2002 - 2004
  • Allen L. Burgenson, 1999 - 2002
  • William H. Stoedter, 1997- 1999
  • Randy Liebowitz, 1995 - 1997
PDA Capital Area Chapter - Dulles Airport/United Airlines Event
PDA Capital Area Chapter

Get Involved

We welcome the active participation of PDA members as well as non-members as we chart our course for the future. If you would like more information about ways to get involved with the PDA Capital Area Chapter, please contact Martin Jenkins, Chapter President,  [email protected].

Capital Area Chapter is looking for volunteers for the following committees: 

  • Membership Committee 
  • Publications Committee 
  • Vendor Show Committee 
  • Meetings Committee 
  • Special Events Committee

Recorded Presentation

Webinar: PDA Final Take- By Sharif Tusuubira
Event Date: January 26, 2023

Webinar:Remote Compliance Auditing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Event Date: July 28, 2020

Webinar: Designing Flexibility into the Full Temperature Range of GMP BioPharma Storage
Event Date: June 26, 2020

Chapter Officers

  • Martin Jenkins

    President/Senior Consultant


    Circle MJ Consulting

    [email protected]

  • Sapan Patel

    Associate Director, Quality Assurance



  • Julie Barnhill
    Julie Barnhill

    Senior Consultant


    Meridian BioGroup

Chapter Resources

Discover essential materials such as the chapter handbook, templates, presentations, and insightful videos tailored for new chapter leaders and the GPS network.

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