Technical Report No. 73-2: Application of Medical Device Regulation Annex 1 Requirements for Staked Needle Syringes

Feb 2024
PDA Item Number

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PDA Technical Report No. 73-2: Application of Medical Device Regulations, Annex I Requirements for Staked Needle Syringes represents the current state of knowledge as to the application of European Union Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR).

Since this regulatory requirement is new, expectations of the Notified Body and competent authorities may diverge as the process evolves. As an addendum to PDA Technical Report No. 73: Prefilled Syringe User Requirements for Biotechnology Applications, this technical report provides recommendations on preparing the required documentation of the device part of the PFS to facilitate obtaining an opinion.

This technical report systematically recommends the amount and depth of information needed for each relevant GSPR to support pharmaceutical companies in assembling the submission file to the NBs and provides information on documents that provide guidance on completing the NB submission file.

The device part, including its corresponding componentsandmaterials, are in scope as they will be evaluated by the NBs, but the medicinal product (drug) is not.

Table of Contents


1.0. Introduction

2.0. Glossary and Abbreviations

3.0. Regulatory Background

4.0. Content of Submission file to notified bodies  

5.0. Applicable GSPRS and Supportive Documents

6.0. References

About the Authors