PDA Technical Report No. 52 (TR 52) Guidance for Good Distribution Practices (GDPs) For the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain (single user digital version)

Aug 2011
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This technical report describes the overall quality system for distribution of pharmaceutical products and is meant to assist manufacturers in assuring that quality, integrity, and efficacy of the product are not compromised in the distribution channels, including handling, storage, transportation and distribution. It applies to all parties involved, including, but not limited to, the manufacturer, the holder of the marketing authorization, third party Logistics Service Providers (termed 3PLs), wholesale distributors, and transportation carriers.

Anyone involved with the shipping and distribution of pharmaceutical products will benefit from Technical Report No. 52: Guidance for Good Distribution Practices for the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

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  1. Introduction
  2. Glossary of Terms
  3. Requirements
  4. Appendix
  5. Additional Reading
  • Figures and Tables Index
  • About the Authors

    Rafik H. Bishara, (ret.) Ph.D., PDA Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Interest Group Leader

    Stephanie Bradley, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc.

    Bella R. Cohen, Ph.D., Abbott Laboratories

    Emily Badraslioglu, Department of Health and Human Services

    Larry A. Gordon, Cold Chain Technologies

    Maryann Gribbin, Johnson & Johnson (co-Task Force Leader)

    Karl I. Kussow, FedEx Custom Critical

    Gerry Marasigan, SNC Lavalin Pharma

    Elaine Merritt, Johnson & Johnson

    Arminda O. Montero, Abbott Laboratories, Inc.

    Johan Nordenberg, Envirotainer AB

    Jeff Seeley, JLS Distribution Packaging, LLC

    Elyse Smith, Meridan Consulting, LLC

    David Ulrich, Abbott Laboratories (co-Task Force Leader)