PDA’s Glenn Wright Named Chairman of Product Quality Research Institute Board of Directors 16 April, 2021
The Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. (PDA) has announced that Glenn Wright, Vice President of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, was named the Chairman of the Product Quality Research Institute’s (PQRI) Board of Directors. Mr. Wright has participated in PQRI since 2003.
PQRI is a non-profit consortium of organizations working together to generate and share timely, relevant, and impactful information that advances global drug product quality, manufacturing, and regulation.
PDA has been a supporting member of PQRI since it was founded in the late 1990s.
Besides, PDA, two regulatory authorities and a number of nongovernmental organizations comprise PQRI. The member organizations are:
- Health Canada
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Consumer Healthcare Products Association
- International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council of the Americas
- PDA, Inc.
- U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention
The Board of Directors is vested with the administrative management, growth, and operation of the Institute, except for those activities involving scientific decision making, which are delegated to the PQRI Steering Committee. The Board has authority over the collection and disbursement of funds and the administrative procedures required to ensure the effective operation of the Institute.
The Steering Committee has sole authority over all scientific activities conducted under the auspices of the Institute and is responsible for recommending the disbursement of funds towards those activities, to the Board of Directors.
PQRI currently supports three technical committees that guide working groups:
- Development Technical Committee
- Product Quality Technical Committee
- Biopharmaceutics Technical Committee
For more information on PQRI and its work, visit its website: https://pqri.org/about-pqri/
Media Inquiries
- Name
- Walter Morris
- Email address
- [email protected]
- Phone Number
- 301-656-5900