PDA’s 2012 Universe of Pre-filled Syringes & Injection Devices - the Best Mindshare in the Industry 7 September, 2012

Our industry is entering a challenging phase for the next decade in the area of pre-filled syringes & injection devices. Costs and regulatory demands exert downward pressure on our ability to introduce devices that are safe and effective. Patients and their needs continue to grow while ever more complex molecules continue to challenge our material selection. Regulatory requirements, industry experience and evolving market trends are critical considerations to ensure a complete understanding of the application of pre-filled syringes and injection devices to drug delivery.

To address the challenges we are facing, it is crucial to continue on the path of innovation as we have been for many years. New advances in materials of construction, manufacturing processes, injection processes and novel delivery devices create a dynamic environment in the drug delivery arena. The success of new product introduction and support of existing products require that companies be aware of these new developments and innovations across the industry.

Companies such as Amgen, Eli Lilly, SCHOTT, Groninger & Company, University of California San Francisco School of Nursing, Sandoz International, Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics, BD Medical, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Pasteur as well as Federal Agencies will be present at this event.

Richard M. Johnson, PDA President added, “Developing technologies of the future, regulatory issues, safer injection design and practices, complexity of combination products, glass and polymer syringes, human factors, vaccine delivery all have a part in this important discussion.  Creating and delivering the safest devices possible to the marketplace is truly a global problem that is not going to change any time soon – companies should invest the time to send people to join PDA and engage in this timely and outcome orientated conference.”

For more information, go to http://www.pda.org/prefilled2012

Press inquiries about registration should be directed to PDA’s Vice President of Marketing, Adrienne Fierro,[email protected].


Media Inquiries

Adrienne Fierro
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[email protected]
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