Linda H. Kidder Yarlott, PhD HORIBA Scientific
Linda H. Kidder Yarlott, PhD HORIBA Scientific
Dr. Linda Kidder Yarlott is the Life Science Business Development Manager at HORIBA Scientific focused on providing innovative solutions to life science researchers, her dream job. She received her Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Johns Hopkins University and used a post-doc at NIH to transition to a life science focus. There she developed and deployed novel imaging instruments based on Raman, near-infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopy, to characterize the chemical signature of disease and disease progression. She co-founded Spectral Dimensions to commercialize these instruments, with a focus on analytical solutions for the pharmaceutical industry. She has continued developing and marketing novel instrumentation, with large companies and startups. Linda keeps active in the broader scientific community, supporting spectroscopy and analytical chemistry through her leadership roles in several professional societies. She was General Chair of the SciX conference in 2020 and has participated in governance, serving on the Governing Board for the Society for Applied Spectroscopy and Coblentz Society. She has also been a member of ACS and involved in several ASTM committees including E55.