Julie Suman, PhD Aptar

Julie Suman, PhD Aptar
Dr. Julie D. Suman is the Vice President of Scientific Affairs for Aptar Pharma. She manages strategic scientific planning and Aptar’s Scientific Advisory Board. Dr. Suman is also the co-founder of Next Breath. She holds a B.S. in Pharmacy from Duquesne University (1996) and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Maryland, Baltimore (2002). Dr. Suman serves on the External Advisory Committee of the New South Wales RNA Production and Research Network. In addition, she is a co-editor for Respiratory Drug Delivery Proceedings, an international symposium, and an Affiliate Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Dr. Suman is the Past-Chair of the AAPS Inhalation Technology Focus Group. Dr. Suman is also a member of the Parenteral Drug Association Visible Particulate Taskforce. She is a licensed Maryland pharmacist. Dr. Suman has published her research in peer-reviewed journals and has been presented during podium sessions at international meetings, the FDA Topics in Bioequivalence Seminar Series, and has been an invited speaker at ANVISA in Brazil. Dr. Suman’s doctoral research, which focused on the relationship between in vitro tests for nasal sprays and in vivo deposition, has been recognized for excellence by a research award presented at the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine, in 2001. In 2008, Dr. Suman received an award from the Greater Baltimore Committee for Entrepreneurial Spirit.